Anti-Cellulite Treatment: Effective Methods and Results
Adipose tissue is a special type of tissue composed of adipocytes that form different pellets. These
cells accumulate triglycerides and release fatty acids and glycerol. These cells undergo some
morphological changes that subsequently lead to the formation of the final adipocyte. The color of
these tissues is white, colorless, dark, or multicolored. The fat deposited in the tissue is in two
forms; the first has to do with the way food is eaten, while the second does not depend on it because
even in weak people, it does not disappear completely.
Cellulite is an inflammatory degradation of the adipose tissue of the skin, characterized by altered
tissue structure from dysfunction of blood and lymphatic flow. Clinically, the appearance of the skin
is simultaneously pitted and colored like orange peel with swellings that appear naked.
The origin of cellulite depends on several causes such as: family predisposition, body structure,
hormonal factors, vascular factors, etc. All these causes are exacerbated by increased sedentary
lifestyle, stress, epilepsy and digestive disorders, but also by improper and unhealthy diet.
a) This is the stage characterized by edema and venous lymphatic stasis, with the inability to drain
body fluids. Therefore the tissues remain full of water, increase in volume, and are separated from
other elastic fibers. The skin becomes less elastic.
b) In this phase the above-mentioned phenomena become more evident and more emphasized. The situation is
aggravated by circulation, the skin is pale and cold. If hydration is maintained, the epidermis dilutes,
loses elasticity, and becomes fragile and delicate.
c) In the third stage, the micro-nodules become increasingly evident and begin to disrupt metabolic
exchange at the vascular level, the skin becomes like orange peel and can even be associated with pain
on touch. d) The fourth stage is associated with an increase in the number and size of macromodules,
removable and painful to pressure. Tissues begin to collect waste, water, and fats.
Before specific treatment can begin, it is necessary to establish the cellulite, the localization, and
the factors that cause it. Initially, the evolution of the pathology is impeded, and then the causes
that created it are corrected. Some of the methods used against cellulite are lipolytics such as
ultrasonic emulsiolipolysis, oxygen therapy, or lipostabil. It happens that these methods are combined
with each other for a more efficient treatment. A support for medical therapy can also be manual
lymphatic drainage which helps microcirculation. Another way is lipostabil, a drug that is injected into
the area where cellulite accumulates and helps to thaw it. This reduces the volume of the area with
cellulite and water retention, improves vascular microcirculation as well as improving skin elasticity
and toning. This treatment is also associated with the use of various creams with a stimulating and
lipolytic effect that accelerates the effects of treatment.
Carboxytherapy is a treatment used to fight cellulite, streaks or chicory. It works thanks to the action
of carbon dioxide which reacts to the skin giving it a healthier appearance and fighting fat. - What is
Carbon dioxide is a natural gas present in every human body. It is a by-product of metabolism and
increases with increased muscle tension. This means that when physical activity is performed, the amount
of carbon dioxide in the tissue increases. The role of carbon dioxide is to expand blood vessels and in
this form will bring more oxygen to the muscles. Therefore the muscles grow after physical activity.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has another important role; it destroys adipose cells under the skin. For this
reason, carboxylic therapy is used to treat cellulite and streaks. In addition to the effect on adipose
cells, carbon dioxide increases the amount of blood in the fibrous tissue of the skin giving it a
healthier appearance. It interferes with cellulite and fat by eliminating them.
- How does carboxylic therapy work?
First of all, a medical examination of cellulite is necessary to decide the amount of CO2 to inject. The
session lasts 10-15 minutes in which CO2 is injected under the skin in a very thin age. (after 0.3 mm).
The process is very simple and does not require recovery times and anesthesia is not used. The treatment
does not cause allergies or side effects. Carboxylic therapy can be performed from 4 to 16 sessions.
Sessions can be held daily or every 3-4 or 7 days.